Schweizer SGS 2-33
Wingspan 51’
Wing Area 220 SF
Aspect Ratio 11.85:1
NACA 63(3)-618
Empty Weight 600 lbs
Gross Weight 1040 lbs
Useful Load 440 lbs
Maximum Speed 98mph
Maximum Glide Ratio 22.25 at 52 mph
Rate of Sink 168 ft/min
Wing Area 220 SF
Aspect Ratio 11.85:1
NACA 63(3)-618
Empty Weight 600 lbs
Gross Weight 1040 lbs
Useful Load 440 lbs
Maximum Speed 98mph
Maximum Glide Ratio 22.25 at 52 mph
Rate of Sink 168 ft/min
USER MANUAL : 233 manual

Schweizer SGS 1-26
Wingspan 40′
Empty Weight 445 lbs
Useful Load 225 lbs
Gross Weight 700 lbs
Vne 114 mph
Best L/D 23 at 53 mph
Rate of Sink 174 fpm
USER MANUAL : 1-26 manual
Schweizer SGS 1-34
Wingspan 49.25’
Wing area 151 SF
Aspect Ratio 16
Not NACA Worthmann: FX 61-163 (root), FX 61-126 (Tip)
Empty Weight 570 lbs
Gross Weight 840 lbs
Useful Load 270 lbs
Maximum Speed 142 mph
Maximum Glide Ratio 33 at 55 mph
Rate of Sink 144 ft/min
USER MANUAL : Schweizer 1-34 manual